Here are instructions for some user commands that come with boxenv:
bx3-c-compiler: A wrapper script for the C Compiler program that adds special otherwise-absent options.
chopfix: Chops characters off of the beginning of each line:
cool-language-l: A tool to make it easier for you to create info pages and link pages:
isexist: A tool that checks the existence status of a resource.
krefslc3: A tool to read boxenv-3 preference files. (Documentation in Progress)
montpoints: Outputs a list of all mount-points on the system.
quickify: A tool to enable you to make source codes (especially C source codes) that automatically customize based on preference files and other factors.
quicktrans: This wrapper for the quickify function allows you to more easily process files, while making use of preferences.
trytouch: This program attempts to create a boxenv lockfile, and reports to Standard Output on whether or not it succeeded.
ufwhich: This program originally was written as a more predictable substitute of Un*x's which command. Later on it evolved to be not only more predictable, but more flexible.